Collection Information

Though our services have expanded over the years to include new programs and connections, our collection of books and other media remains steady. Our print and digital materials are accessible at no charge to visitors, and registered library card holders may borrow items for up to 3 weeks.

  • 35,000+ FICTION AND NONFICTION BOOKS for all ages (including new releases and best sellers), audio (CD) and video (DVD) items and current periodicals (magazines and newspapers)
  • FREE DIGITAL ACCESS to a wide selection of e-books as well as movie downloads
  • ONLINE CATALOG and mobile app offer users the opportunity to browse books and media, place holds or submit renewal requests
  • LOCAL HISTORY COLLECTION including local genealogies and family histories
  • INTER-LIBRARY LOAN REQUESTS for materials not in our collection may be made via the statewide Michigan Electronic Library database
  • BOOK DELIVERY for homebound county residents
  • TALKING BOOK LIBRARY is a free service provided by the Library of Congress for anyone with difficulty reading a traditional printed book. Unabridged bestsellers, mysteries, westerns, biographies, and more — in high-quality digital recordings or printed in Braille — are mailed to your home. The talking book player is very simple to use.